For your convenience, we have gathered the most common
questions regarding Slaybrook Manor and your visit.
Please contact us if you have a question that is not answered here!
1. What are the days/times of operation?
See our days/times here:
Oct 4-5 | 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Oct 11-12 | 6:30 - 10:00 PM
Oct 18-19 | 6:30 - 10:00 PM
Oct 25-26 | 6:30 - 10:00 PM
Oct 31 | 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Important: Your party must be in line 15 min. prior to the displayed closing time. Those arriving in line after this time will not be guaranteed entry into the Manor.
Important: All reservations are weather permitting. If there are natural weather events that make attendance unsafe, we will close the Haunt until it is safe to reopen. Please follow and stay tuned to our Facebook page for up-to-date information on the Manor.
but we appreciate you letting us know when you plan to arrive so we can plan accordingly!
We are located at 8158 Saybrook Dr, Westerville, OH 43082​​
2. Why is your haunted house free?
Our Home Haunt was created out of pure joy for the season. Our family has
always treasured Halloween and the smiles that come after a good jump
scare. Donations are appreciated and needed to keep the Haunt going for more seasons in the future!
We thought it would be nice to share our love for Halloween with our community while also give back to Veterans across the country. All proceeds from donations and purchases of merchandise will be split evenly between these two nationally accredited charities that assist underserved Veterans. We are proud to have had numerous Veterans in our family and feel blessed we can give back in this small way.
3. how accessible is the haunted house?
Slaybrook Manor is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible at this time. Our
home haunt also utilizes some strobe lights and fog effects. Guests with special
medical conditions should always be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or
We will always attempt to advise your party on the safest way forward, and
will try to make accommodations for guests with special needs if at all possible.
4. How scary is slaybrook manor?
Our intended age for guests ranges between 6+ with an accompanying guardian
or 12+ without a guardian. For our youngest of guests, personal "magic" glow
sticks imbued with extra bravery will be available to hopefully help alleviate some
of their trepidation.
We suggest younger guests attend the Manor between 6:30 PM and 7:15 PM as it is much less scary when the sunlight is still out. Parents of little ones are encouraged to tour the Haunt first in order to decide if they want to bring in their small child. While we designed the Manor to be approachable for most thrill seekers, some things found within the manor can be triggering for select individuals. Follow this rough guide in order to make your decision:

5. Can I record inside the Manor?
We ask that all guests put their phones away while visiting the Manor. Lighting
from your phone will ruin the experience of the other guests and may cause a
safety hazard. If you are found to have your mobile device out within the Manor,
you will kindly be asked to leave in order to protect the experience of other guests.
6. What should I wear?
Costumes are allowed (and we love seeing everyone's creativity), but they cannot
include weapons (including but not limited to pretend/prop guns, swords, staffs,
hammers, scissors, etc. or what might be called "extensions" to a costume like the
Freddie Kruger "fingers"). Costume masks, hoods or similar items that fully cover
the face should not be worn in the Haunt as a guest, as this can impair your vision
in low light and become a safety issue.
Please keep in mind that bulkier costumes probably won't work well to go through
the haunt. You can leave prohibited items at the entrance and retrieve them after
you exit, if needed (but we will not take any responsibility for lost or stolen items).
The safety of our guests is our top priority, as is the safety of our wonderful volunteer
scare actors. If you are planning on attending with the intent to scare or harass our
actors, we kindly encourage you to find a different Haunt to attend!
7. What if I want to leave?
There will be multiple staff members in the Manor at all times. If you or someone in
your party would like to exit the haunt early, please inform staff they will direct you to
one of the multiple emergency exits throughout the haunt.
8. Can I bring my pet?
Pets will not be allowed inside the Haunt grounds. Any pets brought to our site must be leashed and attended at all times off the Haunt grounds.
9. Are food/drinks available?
​Food and Drinks should not be taken into the Manor itself. We may have vendors present where you can purchase food/beverages depending on the night. Please check our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information on attending vendors. Food or drinks found in the Manor will be confiscated and thrown away.